Common Types of Dents that can Be Repaired with Paintless Dent Removal

Repaired with Paintless Dent Removal
Scratches and dent on the car. Close-up.

Finding a dent in your vehicle is never a fun experience. These dents can happen in many ways, whether it’s another car door bumping into your vehicle, hail storm damage, or even a fender bender. Visiting a collision repair shop is a great way to take care of these dents. These professionals can use paintless dent removal to repair minor dents to help your vehicle appear brand new again.

Here are some of the most common dents that can be repaired with paintless dent removal.

Door Dings

Door dings can often happen if someone parks too close to your vehicle. These dents often have a crescent shape with a ridge on the inside. A reliable technician can easily repair these door dings to give your car or truck a fresh appearance.

Minor Collisions

Another common source of dents is a collision between two vehicles. You may even notice the other vehicle’s paint color within the dent. Typically, this paint can be rubbed away, and the dent can be repaired with paintless dent removal if the paint isn’t scratched.

Sports Accidents

Sometimes dents can happen because of an errant baseball or a golf ball. Luckily, most sporting accidents are minor and can be easily repaired. An auto repair technician can inspect the dent damage to determine if paintless dental removal is the best option for making repairs. 

Hail Damage

Hailstorms can often appear unexpectedly and leave tiny dents on the roof or hood of your vehicle. Bigger hailstones can even damage the side of your car if there is a strong wind. Most hail damage can be repaired with paintless dent removal, but you may need additional repairs if there are any signs of cracking.

Other Types of Damage

Many other things can also cause small dents, such as a shopping cart colliding with your car or even an apple falling off a limb. A child may even accidentally ride their bike into the back of your truck. Any of these minor dents can be repaired by an experienced technician if the paint remains intact.

Reach Out to Grove Collision Repair to Learn More

Grove Collision Repair specializes in auto paint restoration, paintless dent repair, and emergency services. Delivering quality repair services is always a priority. Feel free to reach out to Grove Collision Repair online today or call (780) 962-7355 to learn more about our services!